Visual field screenings are routinely recommended for people of all ages to identify various vision problems. Your peripheral vision field can provide useful information that will help your optometrist identify potential eye conditions that can affect your ocular and overall health.
Read on to learn more about visual field tests, the information that they can gather from screenings of your peripheral vision, and the eye conditions and other neurological conditions that they can help detect.
What is a Visual Field Test?
Your visual field is made of your central vision, as well as your peripheral vision. Your central vision refers to things that are visible directly in your line of sight. Your peripheral vision on the other hand refers to the visual fields above, below and to the sides of your central vision.
As such, a comprehensive screening of your complete visual field can help detect various things regarding your ocular health, including abnormalities and potential eye diseases. This can be achieved through a visual field test or screening. These tests can evaluate the range of your peripheral vision without you needing to shift your gaze, as well as the degree of sensitivity in your peripheral vision.
At Optometrists' Clinic Inc, we offer a wide range of eye exams including visual field tests.
When Should You Get a Visual Field Test?
Your eye doctor may recommend a visual field test in a number of cases, such as if you have an existing eye condition or disease that increases the risks of permanent damage to your optic nerve or vision, or if you’ve been diagnosed with a health condition that can affect your ocular health. Those include:
Optic neuritis
Multiple sclerosis
Certain types of tumors, including brain tumors
Disorders of the pituitary gland
In Alberta, a visual field test is also needed to meet the driver’s license requirements. Read our blog to learn more about the vision requirements for an Alberta driver’s license.
Different Types of Field Tests
There are different types of field tests available to you, depending on your ocular health needs. Your optometrist will recommend the one best suited to your health.
Confrontation visual field test
Automated perimetry test
Kinetic visual field testing
Frequency doubling perimetry
What Eye Diseases and Conditions Can a Visual Field Test Detect?
A visual field test is a crucial method for successfully evaluating and identifying various eye conditions. This essential eyecare tool is regularly used by optometrists to not only help diagnose eye diseases, but to also track the progression of such conditions, suggest appropriate treatments, and improve the efficacy of existing ongoing treatments. Eye diseases and conditions that can be investigated with visual field tests include:
Multiple sclerosis
Reduced visual acuity
Grave's disease
Pituitary adenoma
And others
At Optometrists' Clinic Inc, we care about your ocular health. In addition to our other eye exams, we also provide comprehensive visual field tests. Book your appointment with us today at one of our clinics in Edmonton, Leduc and Westlock.