When it comes to nearsightedness (myopia) treatment for children, parents typically think about rushing to an optometrist clinic to get their kids’ first pair of glasses. However, solely relying on corrective lenses does not slow the progression of the condition and, in some cases, it can even make it worse. This is where myopia management at Optometrists’ Clinic Inc. comes into play.
In this blog, we are exploring everything you need to know about the treatment and how it can benefit your child. Let’s look into it.
What Is a Myopia Management Program?
To understand myopia management, it is important to comprehend how myopia affects your children’s sight. The condition happens when the length of the eye is too long, which changes the way light is refracted in the eye. Commonly known as near-sightedness, the condition causes distant objects to look blurry. A traditional way of correcting this problem is using corrective lenses, which changes the way light enters the eye so that it can be properly refracted and provide clear vision. However, this is often a temporary solution as children’s eyes are constantly growing and adapting, which leads to new prescriptions and a dependence on corrective lenses.
Myopia management consists of a treatment that focuses on slowing down myopia progression in young children. This is done to reduce the reliance on correct lenses and reduce the risk of a wide range of eye conditions that can occur as a result of rapid myopia development due to eyeball lengthening.
The Process of Our Myopia Management Program:
Initial Assessment
During the initial assessment, your child will go through detailed examinations so that risk factors can be identified, and an appropriate treatment plan can be recommended.
Treatment options typically involve the use of special myopia control glasses or contact lenses, or specially formulated eye drops that can significantly reduce the progression of myopia.
Follow-up Visits
Once every six months, a consultation is scheduled so that the progress and effectiveness of the treatment can be evaluated by an optometrist.
Why is Myopia Management Crucial for Children?
It is important to understand that controlling the rapid progression of myopia is not just a matter of avoiding the reliance on new prescriptions for your children’s eye wear. The fast and continuous stretching of the eye, which is more common among young children, can lead to more severe eye conditions, such as:
Myopic Maculopathy/Degeneration
Myopia management programs can help reduce the progression of nearsightedness, which contributes to the prevention of these conditions.
Your Choice for Myopia Management in Edmonton, Leduc and Westlock
Now that you have read valuable information regarding the risks of uncontrolled nearsightedness and the benefits of myopia management, why not take the next step? At Optometrists’ Clinic Inc., we count on an experienced team of optometrists and state-of-the art technology to assess your child’s eye health and provide our myopia management program. Don’t hesitate to give us a call and let us help you take care of your children’s eye health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment!