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Frequently Asked Questions About Eye Floaters

image graphic showing eye floaters

Do you notice strange spots in your vision that seem to drift slowly around and then dart away when you try to focus on them? You may have eye floaters.


What Are Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are tiny pieces of collagen that are trapped and floating in your eye's vitreous humour - the jelly-like fluid that fills the eyeball. Floaters can be a variety of different shapes and sizes, with some more noticeable than others. The reason that you see floaters is that they either refract the light coming into your eye or cast a shadow on the retina.


What Are the Symptoms of Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters can appear in a variety of different ways. They may look like dark spots, single transparent threads, or threads in a cobweb-like design. They typically follow the motion of your eyes and have a tendency to drift down to the bottom of the visual field. Eye floaters also tend to be most noticeable when looking at a blank, monochromatic surface or space, such as a white wall or a blue sky. They can also sometimes interfere with your ability to focus on objects, especially in bright lighting conditions.


What Causes Eye Floaters?

The vitreous humour inside the eye, while mostly water, also has a solid portion consisting of hyaluronic acid and collagen. Sometimes, the collagen can break down into small fibrils. It is these fibrils that people see as floaters. Eye floaters typically develop as part of the normal ageing process, but they can occur at any age. Some may even be present from birth. Other factors, such as eye injury or inflammation, can also contribute to the development of floaters.


Should I See an Optometrist About My Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters are benign and not usually a cause for worry, but don't hesitate to schedule an eye exam if you have any concerns. You should also immediately contact an eye doctor if you experience the following symptoms, as it may signify a retinal detachment:


• A sudden and significant increase in floaters

• Peripheral vision loss on one or both sides

• Bright flashes of light in the eye with the floaters


In case of doubt, scheduling an eye exam can help ensure that your eye health remains in good condition and that no serious issues are developing.


Are There Treatments Available for Eye Floaters?

Eye floaters rarely require treatment, and most people simply learn to ignore them. They are not damaging to your eye health or vision. However, in rare cases where the floaters significantly impact a person's ability to see, an optometrist may recommend a procedure known as a vitrectomy. This involves removing and replacing the eye's vitreous humour. Another treatment option that may be rarely considered in specific cases is laser therapy to break up floaters.


What is Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD), and How Does It Relate to Eye Floaters?

Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD) occurs when the vitreous gel inside the eye, which is attached to the retina, begins to shrink and pull away from the back of the eye. As the vitreous detaches, it can cause eye floaters — small specks, lines, or cobweb-like shapes that appear in your field of vision. This is because the shrinking vitreous can cast shadows on the retina, which you perceive as floaters. PVD is common with aging and typically doesn’t cause severe vision problems, although it can sometimes lead to complications.

Can Posterior Vitreous Detachment Lead to More Serious Eye Problems?

While Posterior Vitreous Detachment (PVD) is usually a harmless age-related condition, it can sometimes lead to complications, such as retinal tears or retinal detachment. If the vitreous pulls too hard on the retina during the detachment, it can create a tear. This increases the risk of retinal detachment, a more serious condition that can lead to permanent vision loss. It's important to monitor symptoms like sudden flashes of light or a significant increase in floaters and see an eye doctor promptly for a thorough exam.

What is Retinal Detachment, and How Is It Different from Eye Floaters or PVD?

Retinal detachment is a serious condition where the retina, the light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye, separates from its underlying tissue. Unlike the relatively benign floaters caused by PVD, retinal detachment can lead to permanent vision loss if not treated immediately. Symptoms of retinal detachment may include sudden flashes of light, a significant increase in floaters, or a shadow or curtain effect in the peripheral vision. If you experience these symptoms, it’s crucial to seek urgent medical attention.

How is Retinal Detachment Treated?

In many cases, surgery is required to reattach the retina to the back of the eye. Procedures can include laser surgery, cryotherapy (freezing treatment), or vitrectomy (removal of the vitreous gel). The goal is to reattach the retina and prevent further damage to vision. Prompt treatment is essential to avoid permanent vision loss.


Eye Doctors Providing Comprehensive Eye Exams in Edmonton

If you've been experiencing eye floaters and would like to get them checked out by a professional eye doctor visit an Optometrists' Clinic Inc. location today in Edmonton, Leduc or Westlock. Our optometrists are ready to conduct an eye exam to help you understand your eye floaters.

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