The eye is a delicate organ, and problems with any of its sophisticated parts can end up affecting your vision.
Even issues that seem minor can develop into serious conditions if left untreated. One such condition is eye inflammation, also known as uveitis.
What is uveitis?
Uveitis is an inflammatory disease that affects a part of the eye called the uvea. The uvea is the middle layer between the eyeball’s white outer layer (the scelera) and the retina at the back of the eye. It consists of the iris, the coloured circle at the front of your eye; the ciliary body, which helps focus your vision; and the choroid, a group of blood vessels that transport nutrients to the retina.
There are four types of uveitis affecting different parts of the uvea: anterior uveitis, intermediate uveitis, posterior uveitis and panuveitis uveitis. The most common type is anterior uveitis, which occurs at the front of the eye.
What are the symptoms of eye inflammation?
If you’re experiencing pain and swelling in your eye, especially in bright light, you may be suffering from uveitis. Some of the most common symptoms of eye inflammation include:
Light sensitivity
Eye pain
Red eyes
Decreased visual acuity
Dark, floating spots in your vision (floaters)
If left untreated, uveitis can cause clouding of the cornea, cataracts, glaucoma or retinal detachment. In time, these complications can result in permanent vision loss. If you think you have uveitis please contact us immediately.
What causes eye inflammation?
In most cases, the cause of uveitis is unknown. However, it’s sometimes caused by:
Bruises to the eye
Infections or tumours in the eye
Toxins that have penetrated the eye
Autoimmune disease
How is uveitis diagnosed? Eye doctors do several things to diagnose uveitis. After performing a basic eye exam, they use special tools to check your eye pressure and observe how fluids drain from the eyes. They might also use a slit lamp microscope to check for swelling and inflammation in each eye. If they suspect you have uveitis, they might order or refer for other types of testing which will help verify that it’s uveitis and not another condition causing the symptoms. How do you treat uveitis? Optometrists will usually prescribe two different eye drops for uveitis. Depending on the severity of the condition, the drops can be used for up to four weeks. The object of the treatment is to reduce pain and inflammation, prevent further tissue damage and restore any loss of vision. See an experienced eye doctor in Edmonton If you’re experiencing problems with your eyes or vision, don’t hesitate to consult a professional. You can count on your optometrist at Optometrists Clinic Inc. in Edmonton to provide you with professional eye care. Contact us today!